Friday, January 29, 2010


又一个星期在眨眼之间飞过,还是每天马不停蹄的生活,上课上班吃饭睡觉,虽忙碌但却很充实. 这个星期我需要好好的自我检讨, 思想异常浮躁(虽然我已经浮躁了很多年), 颇有"雨不停,心不定"的感觉.压力大是固然的,我不知道自己的受重能力有多强,但是骨头里的懒虫子好像又有抬头的迹象.

她,勇敢镇定坚强不屈,一人独自挑起生活的重担,面对困难毫不退缩,尽自己的微薄之力帮助家里减轻负担,熬过了这么多个年头,但却无怨无悔. 我会很心疼她, 同时也很佩服, 佩服她如野草一般的坚韧不拔. 我也不是温室里的小花,我没有任何借口埋怨眼前的幸福生活,知足长乐.




她,怀着一颗少女纯真的心,默默的为某个人付出着真情,这么多年来,那种苦楚是外人无法体会的.羡慕她的执着和热情,同时也怀念自己当初可爱的鲁莽和那些澎湃的思绪. 人老了,好像反而觉得越来越懦弱,越来越麻木.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Randomness on Friday

It's just a normal Friday afternoon, at school alone, quiet as usual coz the chaos only starts from 6pm onwards. I don't have the "Thank God It's Friday" feeling as I still need to work tomorrow and pathetically, on Sunday as well. Get up as early as the weekdays and the only difference is I can go back earlier and have some free time for a dinner appointment or some personal entertainment.

Back to KL already 3 weeks but I have only met up with 2 friends so far. I fully contributed my time and energy to my beloved college and did it willingly. Time goes on and on, life goes on and on. Although exhausted from time to time, the majority memories are cheerful. Might feel disgusted at some idiots occasionally, I still managed to keep a peaceful mindset despite the assignments do make me fed up. Let's see how patient I am and estimate the count down to the eruption of the volcano. I tried my best to ignore, however I formed the good habit of loathing bad teachers since my early stages at school. And the accumulation of it results in the "flying red"colours in my maths exams many years later. I do curse those nuts!

Party girl is gonna chill on Sunday! Hooray!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010






Friday, January 8, 2010

New semester, new paper, new challenge

After having a 2-week holiday back home, now everything has returned to normal. I'm back to KL, back to school and back to work.

The first week has passed in the blink of eyes. I'm brave enough this round, taking 3 papers, F8,9&P1. Don't know why, maybe because I banged my head on the wall and it made me dumb so that i dare to take these 3 killing papers at the same time. Don't know don't care, just try it out, it must be fun, to maltreat myself which I never done before. I've always been too kind to myself and that results in the lazy bones I'm having today.

Sometimes I miss the time spent at home, I don't need to worry about anything, when I'm hungry, there's always food, no need to do the laundry, cleaning job, grocery shopping etc which seem like minor issues but actually make a very big part in daily life, and, it's time consuming. Now I got headache again, about what to eat everyday. :'( Definately mum's gonna laugh at me if she sees this, but luckily she never will. I'm sure she will say:"You deserve".

After the first week of classes, I felt like I've chosen a chronic suicide. All of the stuff are brand new for me and outside of my knowledge scope. It's gonna be damn challenging, I don't know what the outcome is, all I know is, I gotta try, then I will die without any regret...