My words, my life, my dreams
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Long time no see
Hello my dear blog, I haven't seen you for quite some time,more than 700 days has passed without my slightest notice.
I have spent 3 new year's eve in this so-called capital city which is a tiny small rural town to me anyways.Life here is indescribable, I can only list down a couple of adjectives to express my feelings: boring, quiet, slow, nostalgia, lonely but to some extend very free.Africa is the only continent unlike others, which was way behind modern development and it's usually mistakenly considered as 1 country instead of 1 continent to the non-African world.There are 54 countries in this continent and each one has its own character.Sadly I haven't got any chance to visit a 2nd African country yet despite my all kinds of complaints about Uganda. The people here are not friendly, it's dangerous to even walk outside especially during Christmas season.I don't have much unnecessary contact with the locals, don't have any local friends either besides business partners. Not to say that I'm raciest,it's truly difficult to blend in to such a unique culture (Not oriental not western, one of a kind) In order to make myself occupied, I picked up something I dropped almost 20 years ago---Basketball.
Sports is my only entertainment here,whereas in Malaysia I have 100 others activities awaits.Therefore my Malaysian friends didn't know that I'm actually quite into sports. Basketball is one of my favourite, I played for the school team when I was 10 years old.Although now I only remember a fraction of what I used to know, it's good enough to mix with the Chinese basketball guys here. I never imagined all the top sports guys were "exiled" to Uganda. It's like a combination of basketballers, footballers,athletes and swimmers.Maybe this coincides with our common understanding: one who doesn't excel in studies, has to train himself physically to obtain certain advantages.On the other hands, those who are very highly educated seriously doesn't have much time or interest to build up his body. Mingling with these muscles really satisfies my eyes, I have never seen so many guys with abs at the same time before, it's somehow like an A&F flagship opening ceremony, dozens of nude hot models standing there for you to touch and take photos. Of course I can't really touch them,only by seeing their mesmerizing movement in the basketball court already melts my heart. It's like the good old days, when we were peeking our school team training, those days were too young too good.
However I'm very greedy, only satisfying my eyes doesn't content my brains. I remembered once I said "the longest distance in the world is his body is sitting across the table with you but your minds are thousands miles apart from each other". It's quite difficult to communicate with the muscles if you want to try another topic other than sports, probably they can't really get you.I knew it before hand thus I never waste my effort in attempting. Time after time, the loneliness in my soul grows, I miss my soulmates in China and in Malaysia badly. In order to free my soul, I started running again. Running, for many people is just a boring and tedious continuous striding of the legs. I was forced by my dad to run daily when I was 4 and I kept the habit for 10 years. I hated running when I was forced to,but now it seems that I have finally learned the deeper meaning of running. It's a very good meditation, time-alone, empty your brains and forget all the hassles in life temporarily, most importantly it makes me happy. Scientific study shows that running is a good combat to depression therefore I also recommend my depressed friends to give it a try. It's the cheapest and easiest way to keep yourself happy and healthy. I joined Nike+ running society and found out their are so many runner friends out there. We exchange encouragement and likes to keep ourselves motivated and moving and so many people are just too good at it which makes me jealous. I have determined to complete a half marathon this year, irrespective of others,when I feel like growing, I must grow.
Due to my repeatedly training,my body has achieved a 10-year best condition so far:weight, shape, stamina, strength, heart rate.I'm so grateful at this "seriously not young" age, my body is still giving me a positive response when I start back exercise.Presumably I can delay motherhood for a few years since my body is younger than my real age! Whenever think about this will shoo away my negative feelings. Today is always the best day to start your work-out!
Well I have no idea what nonsense I've been rattling, just to let you readers know the significant improvement of health that sports has brought to me. Hope you all shall also benefit from it. Great day, cheers~!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Journey to the untouched land - 1
For the first time in my entire life, I have finally flew out of Asia, went for an 18 hours flight, to the most original and poorest continent on this earth, Africa.
It is the second largest continent by area and also by population, and it is the only continent that does not have 1 single developed country and majority of its people are struggling hard for survival. When people heard about it, their first impression are normally a few words: HIV, malaria, poverty, hunger, war and millions of uncivilized Negros. It really requires great courage and adventurous spirit to step on this land. (Let's leave Mauritius and Seychelles alone, as these are very matured tourist hotspot.) Other than that, we may only be able to think of vast tropical grassland, prides of lions,elephants antelopes and buffaloes. Hippos are bathing in the muddy water lazily while crocodiles are patiently waiting for gnu cub to cross the river alone.
Hearty Xmas lunch
Well, let's come back to reality. I'm here in Uganda for 4 days, have been travelling around but not to the national parks yet. From my experience, I can only tell that this land is blessed, it has great cooling weather, totally unlike all of us had expected. You seriously can say that it's autumn coz you don't really need an electric fan here in this tropical capital city.The people here are lazy, just as the other equatorial area, due to their abundant reserve of all kinds of resources. They are not keen to work harder to improve their living standard coz they are already sufficiently fed. There aren't any high risings here, not to mention about shopping complexes. The people here couldn't care less about the branded goods. (By the way, the only international brand I see here is Bata). The road condition was worse than I thought. From the international airport back to city it was about 30km but it takes 1 hour plus. It's a very muddy and dusty single lane "highway" with all kind of dents and holes. I had my 1st car accident here on Christmas day. 2 cows suddenly appeared in the middle of the highway on that dark evening without any street lamps. We couldn't stop completely before knocking into one of them, and instantly our side mirror flew away...
The signature SiChuan MaPo tofu
However, despite the differences in infrastructure compared to Asian countries, Africa does have its merits. This land is original, untouched, undeveloped just like a virgin. People are not willing to overly explore or maybe they know the importance of sustainability.Air is fresh, food is unpolluted and amazingly the water quality is not as bad as Beijing! There are all kinds of restaurants to cater the needs for the expatriates coming from all over the world. Western restaurants I've tried 2, the taste was not bad and at a price more or less the same as KL. Chinese cuisine, you can get a lot and even the local people consider having Chinese food as a culture and luxury enjoyment. Out of the 3 Chinese restaurants I've been to, 1 is extremely good and really way above my expectation! There are about 10k Chinese people residing in this city, from different parts of China, doing different kinds of businesses. They are living a good life here, less burden and stress as to their days in the home country.
Sliced pork in spicy garlic sauce
To be continued...

Monday, November 26, 2012
迫不及待的要把吉隆坡的每个商场都转个遍,到处都是我的曾经我的足迹我的抹不掉的过去。如今,有新的人新的生活来重新书写新的故事,太多太多的过去和现在,让我迫不及待的想继续,想看到未来,虽然说没人知道在2012年12月21号之后究竟还有没有未来。一一品味我怀念了四个月的曾经最爱的美食,我才发现原来我怀念的不光是食物,不光是味道,还有自己的青春。Twilight saga在时隔四年之后终于有了结局,Edward和Bella似乎是永远被定格在了18岁,他们是“永恒”的,从外表上我也感觉不到他们有任何一丝变化,可是时钟却是在毫不停留的嘀嗒着,不知什么时候,我总会在自己鬓角发现第一缕银发。
Monday, July 2, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Count down
The days I spent in Malaysia through the years are uncountable. However, today is the final month count down before I leave this deeply beloved country.
The quote sounds like a platitude of an old scholar, but it is true indeed: Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get. There are so many uncertainties in life and which made it so colourful and worth expecting. I've experienced plenty of unexpected fortune and misfortune. I always try my best to think in a positive way. Everything happens for a reason.God will only give you things that you can handle.What doesn't kill you make you stronger.
I shall cherish everyday I have left, embrace everything around me carefully. It will never happen again. I may never come back again. Malaysia, my second home,so much memories I had collected, deeply carved in my heart. I've devoted so much to her even more than my home country. I can say that I was born in China, but I grew up in Malaysia. I've experienced so many "first-time" here. My exposure has enlarged tremendously these years. I've met many good buddies, we may not be able to see each other for a long time, yet our friendship will last forever.
Hereby I thank you all for your continuous love and concern which had accompanied me through ups and downs. I love you all and we shall never say goodbye...
Thursday, May 17, 2012
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